Creates a blank template (if you do not use this macro, the program uses the default account template)
Converts the first letter of each word of the text to capitalized
%CAPITALFIRST="text" or UCFIRST="text"
Converts the first letter of the text to capitalized
Clears all previously entered text (used in Quick Templates only)
Inserts the text from the clipboard
%CLIPBOARD="test" or %SetCLIPBOARD="test"
Copies the text from quotes to the clipboard. For example, both macros %CLIPBOARD="test" and %SetCLIPBOARD="test" copy the word test into the clipboard
Inserts a random cookie from the cookies defined under “Account -> Properties -> Templates -> Cookies”
%COOKIE="file path"
Inserts a random cookie from the specified external text file. This macro may have two parameters: The first parameter is the file path. The second parameter is the character set of the file contents.
%COPY ("text", start, count)
Extracts a portion of characters provided by “text” starting from a certain character, e.g. %COPY("%otext", 1, 100) returns 100 characters starting from the first character of the original message text (for reply or forward)
Places the cursor at the position defined by this macro
Full subject of the message including prefixes
%INCLUDE="file path"
Inserts the text generated using the template from an external file. This macro may have two parameters: the first parameter is the file path and the second parameter is the character set of the file contents.
Indicates that the text of the Quick Template is the signature, i.e it replaces everything after the signature delimiter ("-- ") with the text specified in the template. If no signature delimiter is detected, the macro adds one followed by the generated text (used in Quick Templates only)
Converts the specified text to lower case
Adds a memo
Adds an empty line. To add several empty lines, use the NEWLINE(n) macro, n is the number of lines
Lines wrapped with %WRAPPED are not justified (used with %WRAPPED)
Original message full subject including prefixes (used for reply or forward)
Returns the text in one line if the result of another macro is longer than the defined line length (used in Quick Templates only)
Original message subject without prefixes (for reply or forward)
%PUT="file path"
Inserts the contents of an external file. This macro may have two parameters: The first parameter is the file path. The second parameter is the character set of the file contents. Examples: %Put("C:\Folder\sample.txt", "utf8")
%Put("C:\Folder\sample.txt", "windows-1251")
%QINCLUDE="handle" or QT="handle"
Inserts the text generated by a Quick Template. The parameter must be the exact handle you defined in the Quick Template editor
Inserts the text from the clipboard as quoted
Enables the quoting of the empty lines
Inserts the original message text as quoted
%QUOTES="text" or QUOTED("text")
Inserts the “text” as quoted
Performs the same action as the %QUOTES macro, but does not take into consideration the message format
Specifies the quotation prefix. Possible “expression” values:
- NONE – no prefix (by default)
- I – sender’s initials
- IF – sender’s first initial
- N – sender’s full name
- F – sender’s first name
- L – sender’s last name
- =text – “text” is the prefix
The reply counter of the current message. Example: %SUBJECT="%RECOUNT "Why don't we change the subject?"
Disables the reply counter
Subject line without prefixes
Sets the subject specified in the parameter
Inserts the first nn lines of the original message text (for reply or forward)
Inserts the first nn lines of the original message and all the lines that contain URLs (for reply and forward)
Original message text (for reply and forward)
Original message text size in bytes (for reply and forward)
Converts the specified text to upper case
Justifies the lines wrapped with %WRAPPED (used with %WRAPPED)
Wraps inserted text to the line length specified under “Options -> Preferences -> Viewer/Editor -> Editor preferences”
Quotes signature (the text after the signature delimiter ("-- "). Use the %QuoteIgnoreSeparator%QUOTES macro