BatPost Interface

Fast and easy customizable email server for Windows

The monitoring module

Allows managing the server, supervising its activity and viewing the logs. On the screenshot you will see the monitor's main window:

  • Server control panel

  • Server activity panel

  • Server logging panel

Server Activity Panel

  • Daemon type

  • Server load on the given type of daemons

  • Number of active daemons/maximum number of daemons

Server Logging Panel

This panel allows viewing the event logs from the following files: SMTP.LOG, POP.LOG, POST.LOG, ERROR.LOG, DrvErr.LOG and AppErr.LOG. With high server load the log files will quickly grow in size reaching hundreds of megabytes, therefore only the last entries (several hundreds of lines) are displayed to reduce the memory usage

Spool Monitor

Message texts are stored in files with the "MSG" extension. Additional information on messages is kept in files with the "QUE" extension. The names of the "MSG" and "QUE" files of the respective message coincide.

  • The list of files with messages

  • The button to show the additional information from the selected message. The server's normal operation might be affected by viewing the additional information as it requires blocking the spool. Therefore, the additional information is not automatically displayed; instead it should be invoked manually.

  • Additional information on the message in general.

  • Additional information on every recipient address.

The Monitor's Icon is also Available in the System Tray:

Pressing the right mouse button on the icon in the system tray activates the context menu, which offers several options from the monitor's main form, namely: server start, pause and stop; launching the configurator; invoking the spool monitor and exit from the monitor.


The configurator is used to change server settings.

The main form of the configurator consists of: Config tree. It offers a quick switch to the needed section of the server configuration. The lists of groups, domains, users, etc. The information is displayed in a compact view for the selected configuration section. Buttons for adding, editing and deleting entries of group, domain and user lists

Domain Parameters Panel

User parameters panel. Users are the names of the mailboxes within a domain (part of the email address before "@"), mail lists and alias. Messages coming to a mail list or alias will be sent to the list of addresses. The difference between the mail list and the alias is that in the mail list the sender's address is replaced with the mail list owner's address.

The server offers a flexible means in combating unsolicited mail (spam). It is possible to check the validity of the senders' addresses and whether a given IP-address is a known spam mail exploder.

The server is able to scan the incoming mail for viruses. Both the trivial checking of the attached files' extension and the complex scanning via third party anti-virus packages are supported