Q? | How can I contact the author? |
A: | My email address is Maxim Masiutin <MAX at RITLABS dot COM>. As this has been in essence an unpaid effort there is no guarantee of support (you get what you pay for). |
Q? | When I use my browser to show me my home page it displays its source, i.e. with HTML tags. My browser also reports that the Content-Type of the document is "text/plain", whereas on other home pages I noticed that it is "text/html". Have you any ideas why this is, and what I can do to put it right? |
A: | As stated above, TinyWeb uses Window Registry to obtain the information about content-types, file extensions, and script interpreters. If your registry does not contain the information about content-types, try to fill the basic minimum of |
Q? | I've compiled my CGI application into mycgi.exe, but when access it, TinyWeb gives out "Internal Server Error: mycgi.exe is a GUI application". How can I fix that? |
A: | It is a linker option that defines thether an application is console or GUI. Whatever compiler/linker you are using to build your mycgi.exe, define it as a console application and re-compile mycgi.exe. |
Q? | I cannot avoid "Internal Server Error: mycgi.exe is a GUI application" error because mycgi.exe was compiled by somebody else, I do not have the source code. |
A: | You should modify TinyWeb in that case. Please find the following code in TinyWeb source, SrvMain.pas: if WaitForInputIdle(PI.hProcess, 0) = WAIT_TIMEOUT then begin ErrorMsg := ReportGUI; TerminateProcess(PI.hProcess, 0); CloseHandle(PI.hThread); CloseHandle(PI.hProcess); b := False; end;Delete the above lines from the code and re-compile TinyWeb. |
Q? | Does TinyWEB support SSI (Server-Side Includes)? |
A: | No. There are good docs on WhoIsHostingThis explaining SSI concepts. |
Q? | I just made my homepage and launched TinyWeb. What should I enter in my browser's location field to access my site locally? |
A: |
Q? | My browser (Netscape 4.7) makes |
A: | Try numeric representation of localhost: |
Q? | I was able to view it as "http://localhost/", but I couldn't figure out how to make an internet host address (ex: http://www.ritlabs.com). Can you help? |
A: | Please contact your Internet Service Provider or Network Administrator. |
Q? | What is the difference between TinyWeb and TinySSL? |
A: | There is no difference except TinyWeb uses generic TCP connection while TinySSL adds a Secure Socket Layer to a TCP connection. Thus TinyWeb is an http daemon while TinySSL is an https daemon. |
Q? | What editor did you use to create this HTML page? |
A: | I've used FAR © 1996-99 Eugene Roshal. |
Q? | Is it possible to run both HTTP and HTTPS servers on the same machine (or several concurrently running servers for diffferent addresses/ports on the same machine)? |
A: | Yes, but if you start them in a same directory they will have the same set of log files and will cease to work. Run them from different directories, i.e. each server from it's own directory. |
Q? | |
A: | The NT command-line shell uses the
Q? | The documentation sais if "index.html or index.htm" do NOT exist then the cgi stuff can be used. I have |
A: | Make sure you have at least one of the following files:
If you have none of above files, TinyWeb will display a message that it has displayed to you. |