The Bat! 4.0.34

RITLabs draws your attention to The Bat! regular update, v.4.0.34. The program's features were extended, here's the short-list of improvements:

[+] New tab control that uses space effectively and has a "close" button on the selected tab that can be closed
[-] "Add to address book" button in the certificate button now gives no error
[-] The Bat! now runs simultaneously under different user accounts on the same computer, feature that was not active in 4.0.28 (previous versions were OK)
[-] Drag-and drop of tabs in the message list view works properly
[-] Network & Administration dialog does not cause AV in OTFE mode anymore
[-] Fixed an AV that might have happened when there was an "export message" filter action
[-] Tab colour is updated properly
[-] (#0007211) Dispatcher and Address Picker now save window properties
[-] (#0007202) Voyager: Incorrect default position of the separator in Address selector dialog was fixed
[-] (#0004136) When multiple eToken Tokens are plugged into the computer, the user is now able to select which token to use

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